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Royal Shopping 


Специально  для торговых центров и моллов


Open your service of personal shopping in the trade centr. 

Monthly  millions of peoples spend many times on shopping in trade centrs. The openning a shopping centr by Imagemaker license let people to save time and money and to have a guaranty of rightly choice by professional shoppers.


The premium service made a process of shopping comfortable.  Imagemaker have a special metric system help to do shopping with/without client. A specilal system of work let to organize a work of specialist like hight up standart service.


1 shopper can work   with 2 clients (1 client is 4 hours) .

I client 300$

Min 6 consultant and 2 administrators.

min total: 3600$ per day


License price per year 200 000$
Education specialists separately (1 = 600$)

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